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Getting Your Texas License to Carry (LTC) in San Antonio

Getting Your Texas License to Carry (LTC) in San Antonio

While Texas allows concealed carry without a license since September 2021, a License to Carry (LTC) offers several benefits. If you're interested in obtaining an LTC in San Antonio, here's what you need to know:

LTC Advantages:

  • Reciprocity: Carry concealed in states that recognize Texas LTCs while traveling.
  • Posting Restrictions: Certaines private businesses must post specific signage for LTC holders to be legally obligated to not carry concealed on their premises.
  • Open Carry: Open carry of a handgun is still legal in Texas, but only with an LTC.

LTC Requirements:

  • Be a Texas resident or apply for a non-resident license.
  • Be at least 21 years old (18 with military service).
  • Pass a background check.
  • Complete a Texas DPS-approved LTC training course.

LTC Training in San Antonio:

San Antonio has many LTC instructors offering courses that typically cover:

  • Handgun safety and operation
  • Use of force laws
  • Safe storage practices
  • Shooting proficiency qualification

Finding an LTC Class:

  • A web search for "LTC class San Antonio" will provide options.
  • Look for courses offered by reputable firearms instructors or gun ranges.
  • Consider factors like class duration, cost, and instructor experience.

Additional Resources:


  • LTC application and processing are handled by the Texas DPS.
  • Fingerprinting is usually a separate step from the LTC course.
  • There are fees associated with the application and fingerprinting.

Before You Apply:

  • Review the eligibility requirements to ensure you qualify.
  • Research LTC classes to find one that suits your needs and schedule.

By following these steps, you can be well on your way to obtaining your Texas License to Carry in San Antonio.

When you’re ready to get your Texas License to Carry (LTC) or your Oklahoma SDA, make sure you choose a premier training provider. Conceal Carry Academy is committed to offering the best firearms training possible. When they need information on firearms safety or they want to take a Texas LTC class or Oklahoma SDA, gun owners trust the expertise of the pros from Conceal Carry Academy. If you have questions about any aspect of gun ownership in Texas, contact us today!

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