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The Many Benefits of a License to Carry: What You Need to Know

The Many Benefits of a License to Carry: What You Need to Know

18–20-year-olds can now get a Concealed Carry in Texas. The new age requirement for the Texas License to Carry – Texas Concealed Carry is now only 18 years old per Federal Court Ruling.

Firearms Policy Coalition, Inc. et. al., v. Steven McCraw, et. al., No. 4:21-cv-1245-P

Do you own a gun? Are you thinking of getting a gun? If so, you need to know about the benefits of having a license to carry. A license to carry (LTC) allows law-abiding citizens to carry firearms in public for self-defense. This can provide peace of mind and security in many dangerous situations. In this blog post, we will discuss the many benefits of having an LTC!

1) Self Defense:

The most obvious benefit of having a license to carry is that it allows you to protect yourself and your loved ones. If someone were to break into your home, for example, you would be able to defend yourself with a gun. Even if you never had to use it, just knowing that you have the option can give you a sense of security.

Another self-defense benefit of carrying a gun is that it can deter crime. If potential criminals know that there is a good chance that their victim is armed, they may be less likely to commit a crime in the first place. This could lead to fewer violent crimes overall, making everyone safer.

And finally, even if you never have to use your gun in self-defense, simply carrying it can make you feel more confident and empowered. This can help you in all areas of your life, not just when it comes to safety.

2) Hunting:

Another great benefit of having a license to carry is that it allows you to go hunting. Hunting can be a great way to get exercise, spend time outdoors, and bond with friends or family members. It can also be a way to provide food for yourself or your family. If you live in an area where the game is plentiful, carrying a gun can help you take advantage of that.

Of course, you need to be careful when hunting and make sure that you are following all the rules and regulations. But if you do it safely and responsibly, it can be a great experience. And again, even if you never actually use your gun while hunting, just knowing that you have it with you can give you a sense of security.

Overall, there are many benefits to having a license to carry. Whether you want to use it for self-defense, hunting, or simply as a way to feel more empowered, it can be a great option. Just make sure that you follow all the rules and regulations and always use your gun safely.

3) Recreation:

Another great thing about having a license to carry is that it can allow you to enjoy recreation activities more safely. For example, if you like to go hiking or camping, you can take your gun with you and feel safe knowing that you have it. This can give you peace of mind and make these activities even more enjoyable.

Similarly, if you like to go shooting as a recreational activity, carrying your gun can make this safer too. You’ll know that you have the ability to protect yourself if something goes wrong. And again, simply having the option to use your gun can give you a sense of security when participating in these activities.

4) Emergency situations:

In addition to self-defense and recreation, another benefit of carrying a gun is that it can help you in emergency situations. If you are ever in a car accident or other type of accident, for example, having a gun with you can allow you to protect yourself until help arrives. Similarly, if there is ever a natural disaster or other emergency situation, having a gun can give you the ability to defend yourself and your loved ones.

Of course, it’s important to use caution in these situations and only use your gun if absolutely necessary. But knowing that you have it with you can be extremely helpful in an emergency.

5) Crime prevention:

As mentioned before, one of the benefits of carrying a gun is that it can deter crime. If potential criminals know that their victims are armed, they may be less likely to commit a crime in the first place. This could lead to fewer violent crimes overall, making everyone safer.

And not only can carrying a gun deter crime, but it can also help you prevent crimes from happening in the first place. If you see someone suspicious or if you think there is about to be a crime, having your gun with you can allow you to take action and potentially stop it from happening.

Overall, carrying a gun can have many positive effects when it comes to crime. It can deter criminals and help prevent crimes from happening in the first place.


There are many benefits of carrying a gun, but it’s important to always use caution and follow all the rules and regulations. What do you think are the most important benefits of carrying a gun? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks for reading!

When you’re ready to get your Texas License to Carry (LTC), make sure you choose a premier training provider. Conceal Carry Academy and LTC Training Texas are committed to offering the best firearms training possible. When they need information on firearms safety or they want to take a Texas LTC class, gun owners trust the expertise of the pros from Conceal Carry Academy. If you have questions about any aspect of gun ownership in Texas, contact us today!