So, you have just gotten your concealed carry license and are ready to defend yourself and your loved ones out in public. However, you have also learned a terrible truth: even though you are able to protect yourself, you may not be protected after you have been forced into a situation where the use of your firearm is necessary. It is all too common now that law-abiding citizens are being punished for utilizing their right to protect themselves while concealed carrying.
Often overlooked, concealed carry insurance is vital in case you are ever in a situation dangerous enough to warrant the use of your CCW. Here is everything you need to know about the ins and outs of concealed carry insurance, and your intro into making sure you are legally protected after a self-defense incident with US Law Shield!

What is Concealed Carry Insurance?
While not technically insurance, concealed carry insurance, or self-defense insurance acts much like insurance in that it offers an affordable approach to legal defense in the result of a self-defense situation in which you protected yourself with a firearm. And just like the reason you conceal a firearm; concealed carry insurance is important for those just-in-case moments.
Concealed carry insurance, like concealed carry itself, is designed for those unpredictable moments when the dangerous acts of another cause you to need to use your firearm to protect yourself, only after all of that. When everything is said and done, the true battle for your innocence begins. All too often, law abiding citizens are treated like criminals for using their God-given right to protect themselves. Companies like US Law Shield offer custom policies to secure the due process and innocence of those who were forced to defend themselves and are now having to fight an uphill legal battle.
Concealed carry insurance is often confused with firearms liability insurance. Instead, it is characterized by the offering of pre-paid access to, or reimbursement for, a civil and criminal defense attorney in exchange for a monthly installment, usually by an organization like the NRA.
How Does Concealed Carry Insurance Help me?
Half the battle is won after surviving a violent attack with a firearm. While no one is arguing that racked up lawyer fees is still a fair price to pay for keeping yourself and your loved ones alive, there is a lot that can, and often will go wrong. Should the police decide arrest is necessary, there will be bail fees, the price of a lawyer after a possible murder charge, the mental stress of fighting an uphill battle, missing days of work and much more. It is sad to think that so much wrong can befall someone trying to do the right thing, but that is where concealed carry insurance comes in the handiest.
After the decision has been made to take on liability for your own defense, a carry insurance policy is sure to help you. With the overwhelming threat of the immense financial strain and the potential for criminal prosecution by the government, the need for a criminal/civil defense attorney who knows the ins and outs of the legal atmosphere around concealed carry for a low monthly rate can save tens of thousands of dollars.
Is Concealed Carry Insurance worth it?
Concealed carry insurance is a great way to protect yourself from the potential backlash of a self-defense situation that results in a criminal and/or civil case. The financial ramifications of providing your own defense without the help of any concealed carry insurance provider can be catastrophic, only worsening the mental strain of an already difficult situation. Carry insurance has helped hundreds of thousands of people across the United States, for a price per month that is much more desirable. And because civil cases may follow criminal cases, there is no telling just how much one self-defense altercation can cost you without a reasonable self-defense insurance provider.
Not to mention, providers like the U.S. lawshield are also hubs of knowledge for gun laws and responsible gun ownership. Concealed carry insurance is just as important as carrying a gun for self-defense.
Is Carry Insurance only useful for CCW?
With some concealed carry insurance providers, the coverage may be limited to only CCWs. However, US Law Shield offers coverage over all legal weapons. It stands to reason that the desire to protect oneself should not be punished for the use of any weapon, and it is important to note that the ideal situation would be for an incident like this to be resolved without the use of a weapon.
The need to not only protect oneself from an armed assailant, but from government prosecution is paramount. While this is true, some states also restrict their resident’s capability to defend themselves with the lethal force of a firearm and are therefore required to use other means to defend themselves. Legal defense for all kinds of legal weapons should be available at all times. But that is just the tip of the iceberg for what US Law Shield can do for you.
Sign Up for U.S. LawShieldWhat is U.S. LawShield?
With its roots established in Texas, U.S. LawShield gained its traction from its humble service to the residents of the Lone Star State. With rising demand outside the borders of Texas, it was only a matter of time before the company’s expansion to the greater United States. Now offering legal aid to citizens across the United States, the company boasts an eager focus on its mission to empower its members with knowledge, educational resources, and the ability to defend themselves without the fear of weak defense against forces that would criminalize law abiding citizens.
With over 700,000 members across the United States, and some of the most inclusive and custom policies, U.S. LawShield makes its claim as one of the top Concealed Carry insurance providers in the United States.
What kind of coverage does U.S LawShield Provide?
U.S. Law Shields basic concealed carry insurance coverage includes:
- 24/7/365 Attorney-Answered Emergency Hotline
- Non-emergency access to our Independent Program Attorneys
- Unlimited civil & criminal defense litigation coverage
- Coverage for all legal weapons
- State-specific educational videos, law updates, and online resources
- All this and more for as little as $10.95 per month
Basic coverage is all well and good, and U.S. LawShield works hard to make sure its coverage can be suitable for everyone. Not every Carry insurance provider may provide coverage for all legal weapons or provide the extent of educational resources that U.S LawShield provides, but the company adds even more potential coverage with some custom policy options perfect for creating the best policy possible for its members. On top of the base coverage, members can opt in for,
Gunowner Identity Theft Coverage
“A stolen gun or compromised ID is bad enough, but as a gun owner, it’s worse if it happens to you. Protect your name and right to carry with this powerful add-on. *Available in certain states only.”
Multi-State Protection
“Extend the power of your membership outside the borders of your home state to the entire country (including Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico).”
Minor Children
“Extend the membership services and benefits you enjoy to all minors, so they’re protected in your home, on your property, or even on the playground with this popular add-on.”
Bail Bond & Expert Witness
“Members with this add-on receive bond fee protection for bail up to $50,000 and an expert witness at trial, if necessary. *Available in certain states only.”
Hunter & Angler Regulatory Assistance
Hunting and fishing laws are complex and constantly changing. By selecting HunterShield®, you get additional coverage specifically crafted for hunters and anglers and the issues they may face. Get protected in the woods and on the water with this option. *Available in certain states only.
Affordable Payment Options
“You can select our monthly or annual affordable payment plan options. And, if you choose a dual membership for yourself or another household member, by selecting the annual payment plan, you’ll gain savings over the monthly rate – go annual and save! *Discount not available in CA and MS.”

What Resources Does U.S LawShield Provide?
U.S. LawShield offers carry insurance and beyond. With a strong connection to its community, U.S. LawShield promotes educational seminars and workshops that members can utilize to better defend themselves and their loved ones. With a huge emphasis on self- reliance, self-defense and the gun laws of each state, U.S LawShield strives to ensure that its members are as well equipped with knowledge as they are weapons to defend themselves.
The Gun Law Book Series is just one of a growing series of resources that U.S LawShield offers its members. Each book is authored by expert attorney’s whose main focus is to deliver the confusing legal jargon of gun laws in a reader-friendly way. That means it's not only easy to read, but the book offers real world examples too. The Gun Law Book Series, Armed and Educated offer critical information about responsible gun ownership, including:
- Where you can and cannot legally possess a firearm
- When you are legally allowed to use a firearm
- Real examples of how gun law impacts your life
- Clear explanations that separate myth from reality
- Practical information to keep you on the right side of the law
Is U.S. LawShield Worth It?
U.S LawShield offers great coverage in its basic Concealed carry insurance policy. Covering all legal weapons and 24/7 access to legal representatives is a breath of fresh air in such a constricting atmosphere as a jailhouse or a courtroom. At $10.95 per month for a host of features like educational resources, books, and videos, as well as unlimited criminal and civil case coverage, U.S. LawShield offers the most bang for your buck guaranteed.
Helping over 700 thousand people in legal cases, empowering over 1 million people with resources for responsible gun ownership, and engaging over 1,500 communities in seminars and workshops to help gun owners defend against any threat, you will be hard pressed to find a reason to not join. The benefits of such an inclusive system outweigh the potential cost of a poor civil case with an uninsured legal defense team by no small margin. To top it off, the company’s policy upgrades offer even more room for customization so that members can make sure they are protected from legal prosecution in even more areas.
The truth is gun owners usually get the short end of the stick when they are actually faced with defending themselves. The moments after a defense shooting are always the most unpredictable, because what may have been the use of lethal force to incapacitate a deadly threat may turn into a complete violation of the rights, we all have as citizens.
Concealed Carry insurance is the best option responsible gun owners must protect themselves and their families from piling legal fees and trouble. However, In order to really boost your coverage, empower yourself with knowledge, and preserve your right as an American, you need to join U.S. Law Shield!
When you’re ready to get your Texas License to Carry (LTC) or your Oklahoma SDA, make sure you choose a premier training provider. Conceal Carry Academy is committed to offering the best firearms training possible. When they need information on firearms safety or they want to take a Texas LTC class or Oklahoma SDA, gun owners trust the expertise of the pros from Conceal Carry Academy.
18-year-olds can now get their Texas Concealed Carry - Texas License to Carry with our Online Texas LTC Class.
If you have questions about any aspect of gun ownership, contact us today!
Sign Up for U.S. LawShield